Sean's Blog

Thoughts on history and culture.

Please join me at my new blog, The Garden of Memory.

Please join me at my new blog, The Garden of Memory.

Hello all! It's been a long time since I updated this blog, and there's a reason for that: I've moved my blogging operations to a new platform. ...more

Sean Murger Blogs

February 27, 20231 min read

Conservatives are terrified of the past. Let's teach children to be unafraid.

Conservatives are terrified of the past. Let's teach children to be unafraid.

Right now, in America, history and history teachers are under fire from political conservatives. The now-famous buzzwords "Critical Race Theory" are sweeping the country, and conservative politicians ... ...more

Sean Murger Blogs

June 11, 20219 min read

Oswald acted alone: faith vs. fact in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Oswald acted alone: faith vs. fact in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Today, November 22, 2020, is the 57th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. JFK is a personal hero of mine, and while I would much rather remember the wisdom and compassion he espoused ... ...more

Sean Murger Blogs

November 22, 20209 min read

If you were stranded: 5 examples of "desert islands" in the real world.

If you were stranded: 5 examples of "desert islands" in the real world.

We've all heard the trope, and probably many of us have answered questions on social media that begin, "If you were stranded on a desert island...?" ...more

Sean Murger Blogs

September 04, 20207 min read

Only You: The somewhat depressing history of Smokey the Bear.

Only You: The somewhat depressing history of Smokey the Bear.

In the depths of World War II, on August 9, 1944, the U.S. Forest Service released a public service poster that featured for the first time a character who would become iconic in American history and ... ...more

Sean Murger Blogs

August 27, 20206 min read

Robert Stack knows all: "Unsolved Mysteries" and how we see the unknown.

Robert Stack knows all: "Unsolved Mysteries" and how we see the unknown.

As you may be aware, the old 1980s television series Unsolved Mysteries has recently been rebooted on Netflix for a new season, technically its 15th. ...more

Sean Murger Blogs

August 18, 20206 min read

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