The Holy Grail: History & Legend

This FREE class will take a deep dive into the real history and

cultural background of one of the most indelible legends of

medieval history, the Holy Grail.

Video Couse - 6 In-Depth Video Chapters - Participation Access Included

Tuition: FREE


Learn where the Holy Grail legend

originated, its roots in medieval

Christianity and mysticism, and

how it came to be associated with

King Arthur.


Steep yourself in the world of

medieval thought and history, and

understand how the Grail legend

was a part of building identity and

motivating action.


See for yourself the real places

associated with the Grail, and one

of the actual objects some people

claim is the real thing.

Increase Your Understanding!

The Holy Grail: History and Legend (An Online Class)

In this online history class with Dr. Sean Munger, we will delve into the history and cultural background of one of the most well-known and beloved legends to emerge from Western Europe in the Middle Ages, the Holy Grail. It is a rich journey through medieval Europe, Arthurian legend and real history.
