
This is my personal blog. I regularly write about church leadership and infrastructure development, including specifics on

leadership techniques and the details of implementing systems, processes, and methods that enable the church to succeed.

D. A. Carson on Dynamic Cross-Centered Leadership

D. A. Carson on Dynamic Cross-Centered Leadership

January 25, 20250 min read

“Building the church with superficial “conversions” and wonderful programs that rarely bring people into a deepening knowledge of the living God will do it. Entertaining people to death but never fostering the beauty of holiness or the centrality of self-crucifying love will build an assembly of religious people, but it will destroy the church of the living God.”

D. A. Carson

Founder of Executive Pastor Online, passionate about what Jesus calls us to do through the local church.

Kevin Stone

Founder of Executive Pastor Online, passionate about what Jesus calls us to do through the local church.

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