
This is my personal blog. I regularly write about church leadership and infrastructure development, including specifics on

leadership techniques and the details of implementing systems, processes, and methods that enable the church to succeed.

The Facilities "Game" Never Ends

The Facilities "Game" Never Ends

July 30, 20242 min read

Taking Care of the Church's Facilities and Grounds is an Activity that Constantly Requires Attention

Before becoming an executive pastor, in my corporate days, we had many dedicated employees and several contractors to take care of facilities and grounds. In my years as an executive pastor, not ever having facilities staff, I had to develop a team of volunteers and contractors that handled the facilities maintenance program. Resources were limited. Consequently, getting everything done was a HUGE challenge!

I remember talking to a hired contractor when the "ongoing nature" of facility maintenance came up.

I said, "The facilities game never ends!" Since then, I've said it dozens of times. I know from first-hand experience that caring for a building and campus is a "never-ending battle." 

The church I served all those years had two buildings (more than 50,000 square feet) and 19 acres of land. Having a 1,000-seat venue and lots of children's/student space for Sunday morning services was awesome. Having some nice office space to work through the week was almost as awesome.

But, it meant there were ...

  • 22 toilets

  • Nine urinals

  • One poop grinder

  • Many paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers, sinks, mirrors, etc.

  • 14 separate HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) units

  • 14 separate, programmable thermostats

  • Hundreds of light fixtures

  • Thousands of light bulbs

  • Two security systems

  • Parking lots to plow and treat

  • Hedges, flower beds, and grass to maintain

  • Lots of "stuff" (carpet, tile, tables, chairs, vacuum cleaners, hand trucks, ladders, tech/production equipment, servers, computers, phones), etc.

While it was a lot to maintain and otherwise fix, adjust, replace, repair, clean, paint, patch, and schedule, it gave me many great opportunities to serve with many talented, committed volunteers. If you're in a similar situation at your church, seek out the "facilities types" in your congregation. You'll be blown away by those ready, willing, and able to get in the facilities' "game."

Founder of Executive Pastor Online, passionate about what Jesus calls us to do through the local church.

Kevin Stone

Founder of Executive Pastor Online, passionate about what Jesus calls us to do through the local church.

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