5 Ways You Can Easily Improve Your Guest Experience

5 Ways You Can Easily Improve Your Guest Experience

June 30, 20224 min read

When someone new visits your church, they need to feel welcomed and comfortable. Here are a few ways you can improve their experience:

Make sure guest parking is available and easy to spot right away.

A parking attendant can help make a church parking lot more welcoming for guests. By directing traffic and providing information about available parking spots, a parking attendant can help guests find a spot quickly and easily.

This can be especially helpful on Sundays when church parking lots are often crowded. In addition, a parking attendant can help to ensure that guests have a positive experience by providing directions or answering any questions they may have.

As a result, having a parking attendant in a church parking lot can be a valuable way to show guests that they are welcome and appreciated.

Make sure there is someone at the door to greet guests as they arrive.

Church door greeters play an important role in making guests feel welcome. When someone new comes through the door, it is the door greeter's job to make them feel like they belong. There are a few different things door greeters can say to achieve this.

First, door greeters can introduce themselves and ask the guests their names. This helps to create a personal connection and makes them feel like they are not just another face in the crowd.

Additionally, door greeters can ask their new friends if they have any questions. This shows that the door greeter cares about them and is willing to help them find their way around.

Lastly, door greeters can invite the guests to come back again soon. This leaves the door open for future visits and makes them feel like they are always welcome at the church.

Door greeters play a crucial role in creating a welcoming environment, and there are many different ways they can make first and second-time guests feel at home.

Have Ushers available to assist guests and help them easily locate seats for the whole family.

When guests come to church, they should feel welcomed and comfortable. Part of making them feel welcome is ensuring that they can find a good seat.

That's where ushers come in. Ushers are there to help guests find a seat that works for them. They can also answer any questions guests might have about the service. Having ushers available make the church more welcoming for everyone. Plus, it helps to ensure that everyone can enjoy the service and feel connected to the community.

Make sure the guest information is included in the church bulletin or program

As the old saying goes, "There's no place like home." But for many people, their church is the closest thing to it. A church can be a second home, a place where you feel accepted and loved no matter what. But for new guests, a church can feel like a foreign place.

They may not know the customs or the people, and they may feel lost and out of place. That's why it's so important for churches to make new guests feel like insiders.

By providing them with everything they need to know about the church, from the services to the staff, guests can feel comfortable and welcomed from the moment they step through the doors. With a little hospitality, any church can make a new guest feel right at home.

Follow up with guests after they visit by sending them a personal note or giving them a call.

It is important to collect the contact information of every guest that attends church. By doing this follow-up can be done with the guests. It is a way of being hospitable and connecting with them.

Following up shows that the church cares and is interested in getting to know the guests. It also gives an opportunity for the church to invite them back. Collecting contact information is a way of being efficient in follow-up.

It is important to do follow-up because it allows the church to build relationships and foster community. When follow-up is done well, it can result in newcomers feeling welcomed and comfortable returning to the church. Ultimately, follow-up is an essential part of being a hospitable church.

By taking these simple steps, you can make sure that your church is a hospitable and welcoming place for all.

God Bless,

Jason Zinsmeister

24toDouble Executive Director


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